Please review the information below which provides an overview of what you've told us. When you're happy, just submit the form or you can go back to make amendments.
We'll send you an email to confirm we've received your information. Then we'll be in touch as soon as we can to talk through your options.
Income & expenditure overview
What's your intended retirement age (if applicable)?:
How many people are named on the mortgage?:
What's your intended retirement age (if applicable)?:
How many people live in your household?
How many dependants under the age of 14 do you support financially?
How many dependants aged 14 or over do you support financially?
How many vehicles are owned within your household?
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_JobInfo.JobTitle }}
How many hours do you normally work per week?
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_JobInfo.HoursPerWeek }}
Borrower 2 job information
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_JobInfo.JobTitle }}
How many hours do you normally work per week?
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_JobInfo.HoursPerWeek }}
Borrower 1 job information
Basic salary:
Total income from other work:
Total income from private/State pension(s)
Maintenance/child support:
Jobseeker's Allowance:
Income Support:
Working Tax Credit:
Child Tax Credit:
Child Benefit:
Incapacity Benefit:
Income from a contributing occupant(s):
Board/Lodging payment:
Rental income form investment property:
Carers/Attendance Allowance:
Other Income:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.MonthlySalary }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.BonusOvertime }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.SecondJob }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.Pensions }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.MaintenanceChildSupport }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.JobseekersAllowance }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.IncomeSupport }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.WorkingTaxCredit }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.ChildTaxCredit }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.ChildBenefit }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.IncapacityBenefit }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.ContributingOccupant }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.LodgersOrBoarders }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.RentalIncome }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.Dividend }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower1_Income.CarersAttendanceAllowance }}
Borrower 2 job information
Basic salary:
Total income from other work:
Total income from private/State pension(s):
Maintenance/child support:
Jobseeker's Allowance:
Income Support:
Working Tax Credit:
Child Tax Credit:
Child Benefit:
Incapacity Benefit:
Income from a contributing occupant(s):
Board/Lodging payment:
Rental income form investment property:
Dividends::Carers/Attendance Allowance
Other income:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.MonthlySalary }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.BonusOvertime }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.SecondJob }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.Pensions }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.MaintenanceChildSupport }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.JobseekersAllowance }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.IncomeSupport }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.WorkingTaxCredit }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.ChildTaxCredit }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.ChildBenefit }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.IncapacityBenefit }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.ContributingOccupant }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.LodgersOrBoarders }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.RentalIncome }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.Dividend }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Borrower2_Income.CarersAttendanceAllowance }}
Total monthly household income:
Mortgage payment:
Ground rent & service charge:
Other secured loans (e.g. car loans):
Building/Contents insurance:
Other insurance:
Court fines:
Maintenance/Child Support:
Essential expenses total:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['MortgagePayment'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['Endowment'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['Rent'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['GroundRentServiceCharge'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['OtherSecuredLoans'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['BuildingContentsInsurance'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['Pension'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['OtherInsurance'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['CourtFines'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Essential['MaintenanceChildSupport'] }}
Council tax:
Water rates:
Other fuel – coal, oil, etc..:
TV licence:
Utilities total:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Utilities['CouncilTax'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Utilities['Gas'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Utilities['Electricity'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Utilities['WaterRates'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Utilities['OtherFuel'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Utilities['TVLicence'] }}
Road tax:
Car insurance:
Public transport:
Travel total:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Travel['RoadTax'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Travel['CarInsurance'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Travel['Fuel'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Travel['MOTServiceMaintenance'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Travel['Parking'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Travel['BreakdownRecovery'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Travel['PublicTransport'] }}
Home phone:
Mobile phone:
Communication total:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Communications['HomePhone'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Communications['MobilePhone'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Communications['Internet'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Communications['CableSatellite'] }}
Child care:
Nappies/baby items:
School/work meals:
Medical (prescription/dentist):
Pets (foods, vets, insurance):
Living costs total:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.LivingCosts['FoodToiletriesCleaning'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.LivingCosts['ClothingFootwear'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.LivingCosts['ChildCare'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.LivingCosts['NappiesBabyItems'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.LivingCosts['SchoolWorkMeals'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.LivingCosts['Medical'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.LivingCosts['Pets'] }}
Health insurance:
Repairs/property maintenance:
Hair dressing/cut:
Pocket money/school trips/clubs:
Holiday/special occasions:
Additional expenditure total:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Additional['HealthInsurance'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Additional['RepairsPropertyMaintenance'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Additional['HairDressingCut'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Additional['AlcoholCigarettes'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Additional['PocketMoneySchoolTripsClubs'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Additional['HolidaySpecialOccasions'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Additional['Gifts'] }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Expenses_List.Additional['Charities'] }}
Other ExpenditureTotal monthly expenditure:
Credit Commitments - Excluding Mortgages
Excluding mortgages, do you have any other credit commitments?
{{ creditor['balance'] }}
Expected/Minimum Payment:
{{ creditor['minimumPayment'] }}
{{ creditor['endDate'] }}
Have you arranged to make reduced payments?
{{ creditor['hasArrangedReducedPayments'] }}
{{ creditor['reducedMinimumPayment'] }}
New arranged end date (if applicable):
{{ creditor['newEndDate'] }}
Main residential property
Is your main residence mortgaged to Bank of Ireland?
Name of main borrower who owns this property?
{{ $root.vm.contact.Residences_Main.mainBorrowerName }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Residences_Main.lenderName }}
Estimated value of the property:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Residences_Main.estimatedPropertyValue }}
Outstanding mortgage balance:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Residences_Main.outstandingMortgageBalance }}
Maturity date (DD/MM/YYYY):
{{ $root.vm.contact.Residences_Main.maturityDate }}
{{ $root.vm.contact.Residences_Main.amountOfEquity }}
Do you (or any other borrower) own other properties i.e. Buy to Lets, holiday or second homes?
How many other properties are owned?
Name of main borrower who owns this property?
{{ property['mainBorrowerName'] }}
{{ property['lenderName'] }}
Estimated value of the property:
{{ property['estimatedPropertyValue'] }}
Outstanding mortgage balance:
{{ property['outstandingMortgageBalance'] }}
Maturity date (DD/MM/YYYY):
{{ property['maturityDate'] }}
{{ property['amountOfEquity'] }}
Is the property owned with anyone else?
{{ property['isOwnedByAnyoneElse'] }}
How many other owners are there?
{{ property['howManyOtherOwners'] }}
Borrower(s) percentage share of the property?
{{ property['borrowerPercentageShare'] }}
Total outstanding mortgage balance across all other properties:
Total equity held across all other properties:
Financial Savings & Investment Plans/Policies
Do you or any joint borrower have savings or investments that are held with a bank or building society?
Bank/Building society accounts:
Name of the account/policy holder:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Savings_BankSavings.AccountHolder }}
Name of bank/building society:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Savings_BankSavings.BankName }}
Total value of savings/investments held with all banks and building societies:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Savings_BankSavings.TotalValue }}
Maturity date, if applicable (DD/MM/YYY):
{{ $root.vm.contact.Savings_BankSavings.MaturityDate }}
Do you or any joint borrower own any stocks and shares?
Name of the account/policy holder:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Savings_StocksAndShares.AccountHolder }}
Name of investment company:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Savings_StocksAndShares.InvestmentCompany }}
Combined value of all stocks and shares owned:
{{ $root.vm.contact.Savings_StocksAndShares.TotalValue }}
Maturity date, if applicable (DD/MM/YYY):
{{ $root.vm.contact.Savings_StocksAndShares.MaturityDate }}
Total value of bank/building society/stocks and shares savings/investments:
Investment plans/endowments:
Do you or any joint borrower have any investment plans or endowment policies?
Investment company {{$index}}
Name of investment company:
Name of the account/policy holder:
{{ investment['accountHolder'] }}
Is the investment easily accessible? E.g. are you able to draw funds within 30 days without penalty, is the authority of someone else needed?
{{ investment['isAccessible'] }}
Value of this investment:
{{ investment['value'] }}
Maturity date, if applicable (DD/MM/YYY):
{{ investment['maturityDate'] }}
Is this investment an endowment which is linked to your property?
{{ investment['isLinkedToProperty'] }}
Do you or any joint borrower have other types of investment (excluding properties)?
Name of investment company:
Name of the account/policy holder:
{{ investment['accountHolder'] }}
Is the investment easily accessible? E.g. are you able to draw funds within 30 days without penalty, is the authority of someone else needed?
{{ investment['isAccessible'] }}
Value of this investment:
{{ investment['value'] }}
Maturity date, if applicable (DD/MM/YYY):
{{ investment['maturityDate'] }}
Is this investment an endowment which is linked to your property?
{{ investment['isLinkedToProperty'] }}
Please provide details of your current circumstances and why you need our help:
What are your repayment proposals?
Have you had any independent financial advice?
Total monthly household income:
Total monthly household expenditure:
Total monthly disposable income:
We’ll be in touch within five working days to talk through your options. We may ask you for further information which will enable us to help you.
If you need to make any changes to your form once you’ve submitted it, please call us on 0800 169 9722. Lines are open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. All calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
Your personal information will only be used to contact you in regards to the information provided. If you would like to know more about how we ensure your privacy, how we handle your personal information and what your rights are, you will find more information in our Privacy Notice on bankofirelanduk.com/PrivacyNotice or by contacting us to ask for a copy.
Bank of Ireland Group provides mortgages in the UK either through “Bank of Ireland Mortgages” which is a trading name of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland or “Bank of Ireland UK” which is a trading name of Bank of Ireland (UK) plc. If you are in any doubt as to your mortgage provider or have any queries relating to our UK mortgage products or services please contact our UK administration centre at:- Bank of Ireland (UK Mortgages), PO Box 3191, One Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 9HY. Telephone: (0117) 979 2222. Fax: (0117) 929 3787. Website: www.bankofirelandmortgages.co.uk
© 2022 Bank of Ireland UK20